A Woman In Her Worth Is Magnetic
This masterclass is about rediscovering the innate magnetism that comes from your feminine power when you embody worthiness!
Whatever peaked your interest enough to make it to this page, trust it. That curiosity is the intuitive nudge of the feminine-- your feminine led you here to see if this class could help her come back online and in the most powerful and magnetic way.
And the answer is YES!
The pull of a feminine woman who knows who she is and what she deserves is hard to fight.
She is a powerful immovable force that even the Universe pays attention to.
She is a solar system of ideas, desires, connections; drawing in effortlessly everything she needs and wants to create.
She is love embodied, wisdom personified.
She is a vessel for Divine expression.
Unfortunately, traumatic experiences, guilt, shame, disappointment dim the brilliance of your feminine and inverts her magnetic pull to push what you desire away.
This class is to help you, guide you, empower you to turn your magnetism all the way up again!
What happens when you are embodying your feminine magnetism and in alignment:
your desires fly into your orbit
people can't take their eyes off you
you light up a room
your energy shifts spaces
you ask and you receive with accuracy
you become irresistible to your desires
Course curriculum
Welcome to Dripping with Worthiness
Dripping With Worthiness
Integration Process
What's Next

About this course
- $49.00
- 4 lessons
- 1.5 hours of video content