If More Than 3 Of The Following Apply, Then This Course Is Made For You
If any of the following questions resonate with how you have felt, then this course is for you!
Have you ever felt sooo good and comfortable giving to others, and yet awkward and uncomfortable when people try to give to you?
Have you ever felt as though, the people you care about don't seem to care about you as much as you care about them?
Have you ever felt like you have to give give give and yet only receive the bare minimum or very little in return?
Have you ever felt frustrated, resentful, and disappointed about how much you give to those who don't appreciate you, more often than you'd like?
Do you feel overworked and underappreciated?
Do you feel a compulsion to give something in return immediately after you receive a gift?
Do you over-give or over-compensate so that you do not look like you are taking advantage?
Do you believe that it giving feels safer than receiving?
Do you struggle asking for help because you do not want to burden anyone?
A patron is defined as a person who gives financial or other support to a person, organization cause, or activity.
As a patron of love, you may feel like you have so much love to give, but rarely ever get what you need in return.
This role you have taken on as a giver aka patron, may leave your love cup empty more times than you can count. But eventually pouring from an empty cup takes its toll- often leading to anger, resentment, burnout, overwhelm, and a loss of your sense of self.
It's not natural to only give and never receive.
I created this masterclass to help those who identify as patrons of love. These are the givers in their relationships who struggle being on the receiving end, even if they really want to be given to.
In this class, we will talk about where that resistance to receiving originates, why you may be giving and over-giving in your relationships, and how to trust the natural flow of receiving as much as you trust giving.
You need & deserve some love too, babe!
Course curriculum
Patron of Love Masterclass Replay
Post-Class Deepening Assignments

About this course
- $49.00
- 3 lessons
- 1.5 hours of video content