Over the 90 mins we will cover the following topics:

1. The step-by-step energetic process I used to manifest my husband and help so many others manifest love

2. What beliefs are blocking you from having the love life you desire

3. Understanding how important self-attunement and self-worth are to attracting the energetic match you want

4. Learn THE WHY behind making decisions from love versus fear

5. Understanding the laws of the universe and how to use them 

6. How to use your NO as a magnet for your YES

6 Proven Steps To Align You With Soul-Filling Partnership

It gets to be this simple.

What if you had a secret formula that, when implemented, could guarantee success in love & dating?

One of the main challenges I have seen for people who are trying to attract healthy partnerships into their lives, is a lack of understanding of how the energetics of manifesting love works. And this confusion can be seen both in the dating process, as wells as in the dynamics of the relationship as it develops!


Right now you may feel like you're constantly missing the mark. That even though your goal is to find a life partner, you instead keep finding relationships that are unequal and unreciprocal. This may also leave you feeling drained by whole the process, thinking that something must be wrong, and making you want to give up on the whole idea or worse... SETTLE! 


When you understand the energetics behind manifesting love, you will see how these feelings are just trying to expand you into more freedom, more trust, more playfulness


Sounds completely different from your current reality huh?!


This is why I decided to create this masterclass. 


I remember how hard it felt. 


I remember attracting the same men in different bodies over and over again. 


And then one day something shifted... I realized I was the common denominator and that I was making the process way more complicated than it needed to be. 


I realized that I got to choose to be different not in action alone, but in energy which led me to more aligned action! And that's when I became a love magnet! 

Men would fall in love with me, and become obsessed with me. 

I started having choices between good partners, good men. 

I felt like a goddess.

I felt powerful.


Most importantly, I felt like I had options, and that made me relax, soften, and have fun! 


And this is when my partner, my soulmate, my husband showed up in my energetic field, and we chose each other.

And through this class I am offering you the exact formula I used to become an energetic match for my ideal marriage-- the same formula that got:

 Karen engaged to her favorite human

Jamee married to her soulmate

 Lisa falling in love with the dating process

Kara knowing her worth and value

Aurora married to her perfect match  


Course curriculum

    1. The Energetics Behind Manifesting Love

    1. Review and Reflection

    2. Your Plan

About this course

  • $49.00
  • 4 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

Megan's Testimony

"Brittany is a vault of knowledge and understanding when it comes to partnerships but also individuals. As a woman who's "done and tried it all," and "that might work for other women, but not for me," it was tremendously helpful to look at specific areas that needed my attention, even in small and gentle ways. I took her advice and trusted the process (even reluctantly!) and have been rewarded with new positive experiences that I intend to carry with me as I reconstruct old habits."