You Are The Solution

Let me explain

Imagine this:

You are preparing to receive a partner, where you find yourself in deep devotion to each other. Where choosing to love each other through the best and worst of yourselves is the only choice. A partnership where you grow together, and hold space for each other's ideas and dreams. A partnership that is anchored in trust and honesty and communication, where you both know exactly how much love lives IN YOU. 

THINK ABOUT IT THIS WAY: The courses I've queued up for you below, are the best ways to begin learning more about yourself, AND to truly begin transforming your love life into the love affair your heart and soul craves. 

Regardless of where you choose to begin, you WILL BE TRANSFORMED. 

There are 4 categories:

90-min classes

3 day - 3 week courses


Membership which gives you access to an wide array of both classes and courses!

Each of theses was created in response to something I wish I had when I was in your position-- the time when I was dating, getting the same results over and over again, and feeling really disappointed by the whole process. 

What I have created for you is a what helped me date with more confidence, and attract my now husband!!

This is possible for you. I've got you. 

Check out the courses as listed below, click to learn more, and then when it feels like a match, just go for it.

It is safe for you to answer Love's Call!

NEW Courses are added all the time, so add this web page to your favorites to make it easy to come back to time and time again!

You've Got Options

From surface to the down deep of your healing, there is something for everyone here at the GETitOUT School of Relationships & Self-Love

Close Your Eyes, Set An Intention, And Notice Which Course Is Calling Out To You

These courses will have a profound impact on the way you show up to relationships here on out! They are a no-brainer for getting the momentum rolling in the right direction.

What My Clients Have to Say

Don't take my word for it, take the word of those who have gone before you on this journey to discovering a life filled with healthier relationships and self love!



I was scrolling through Facebook one day and came upon some positive and very encouraging feedback from a group called “GETitOUT toxic relationship”. I was drawn to the group immediately and asked to join the group. I too have been through some pretty toxic relationships, beginning with my narcissistic mother and ex husband etc. and thought hey other people are going through this too this may help me. That’s how I met Brittany. I signed up for the program and within the first 3 months I started seeing changes. Changes in my attitude, my thoughts, I noticed I wasn’t beating myself up anymore, I started liking the person in the mirror, I noticed I had little to none negative thoughts, period, my relationship with my daughter blossomed, my work relationships started becoming more positive, I started communicating better with my boyfriend, I am valuing myself and life better. But I will say you have to really dig deep in your soul and be completely committed to this program for it to be 100% successful. It truly starts with you and how bad you want to break the cycles of bondage and abuse. Brittany is patient and genuine. Her positive energy and drive to help you see yourself as you were made to be In Christ is absolutely amazing. I will forever use the tools and resources given to me by her to continue my new journey. I am so grateful and blessed to have Brittany to help coach me to a better me. Grateful

You are a blessing

Denise O.

You are the most genuine coach I've ever had. You listen, you tell me what I'm avoiding saying out loud, you make me step out in fear and face what I've been hiding for years. I am excited for what we accomplish together and excited for what God has next. You are a blessing!

So Grateful

Jenni M.

I'm so glad that the universe connected me with the right person. I never did coaching before, I can say this was the best experience of my life. Working with Brittany was great. She guided my journey to a more peaceful life. She has so much knowledge and great tools we can easily follow. I strongly recommend working with her. You don't have to be stuck, there is always help, and Brittany knows just how to do that.


Melanie M.

Brittany Green is an amazing life coach. I was so iffy. I didn't want to pick somebody who talked out of a textbook. I wanted someone with real life experience and Brittany has it. She is smart, she is stylish, she is cool, she is laid back, and she is so warm and inviting. Her videos and talking with her one-one is literally the highlight fo my week, since I've been working with her. I know I can do things now that I never thought I could do before. So buckle up and get ready for the ride of a lifetime. Because Brittany will deliever it! I love her, I love the program, and I would recommend it over and over and over again. I'm actually nervous about when it is over for me because she's been such an inspiration and such a light in my life. I couldn't say enough about her!!! DO NOT HESITATE! Say YES! CHANGE YOUR LIFE FOREVER!

Truly Life Changing


A few years back, I attended a virtual women’s conference that a friend/colleague of mine was a part of. I don’t remember much about the conference, but there was one speaker that I listened to and it felt like she was speaking directly to me. I was going through a lot of life changes at the time & already seeing a therapist & and didn’t really have the time to commit to “another thing”, but I filed her information away because I felt in my gut I would need it someday. A few months later, I found myself really struggling with relationships and feeling stuck in my own therapeutic growth. In an instant, I pulled up the information I had filed away, I visited Brittany’s website, and within a matter of minutes had scheduled a consultation. I didn’t know what to expect, but when I finally had the chance to talk with Brittany, I KNEW I needed to invest in myself and I signed up for her relationship reset program. This program ended up being exactly what I needed to address childhood wounds, understand how they were showing up in my adult relationships, and learn how to be the adult that I needed as a child. Over the next few months, Brittany was my guide on a path to self-discovery and self-love. Each assignment had a purpose, and Brittany took the time to share resources or skills that were unique to me and my needs. We laughed together, we cried together, and I felt supported and heard in ways I hadn’t experienced in the past. With the perfect balance of honesty, respect, empathy and understanding, Brittany walked me through a period of time that could have broken me. She provided a safe space to address some of my most difficult wounds and helped me learn to set better boundaries, show up for myself and live my most authentic life. I can say, without a doubt, that the universe brought me to that conference a few years ago because I needed to meet Brittany – and the time we spent together was truly life-changing!

I value myself more deeply


In my time with Brittany I have been able to #GetItOut! Brittany is compassionate and accepting of each journey. It was so important for me to be able to tell my story. It validated the reality of my experience & helped bring awareness to how important it is for me to remember that I am not to blame. Brittany is also strengths-focused and helped me realign my focus. I value myself more deeply. Understanding the depth of my love and to honor all the emotions I am capable of. Brittany has shown me a way to uncover my strengths & I have discovered a healthy and productive way through my pain and sadness.

Brittany taught me that I deserve more


I met this guy, Neil. He’s amazing. Amazing is not even a great enough word for what he is. He listens to me. He loves me for exactly who I am. He genuinely cares about me. He wants to marry me some day. You’re probably thinking, “Yeah yeah, another lucky girl finds a perfect guy, this won’t ever happen to me.” Well I am here to tell you that you are absolutely wrong, because I was in the same position that a lot of you were in or are in now. I dated narcissists like it was my job. Prior to meeting Brittany, I thought something was wrong with me. None of my relationships worked out and I ended up being used, verbally and mentally abused, and always left to pick up the broken pieces of my life. Brittany helped me realize that it wasn’t me, it was the men I was picking. The same men. Over and over, they just looked different. Brittany taught me that I deserved more, I deserved the best, and I had so much to give. And she was right. When I met Neil, he wasn’t my “type”, but I would have never given him a chance and ended up falling in love if I didn’t have Brittany to help and teach me to break my horrible dating cycle and become the strong, beautiful, badass woman that I am. You can find love. You can be happy. You can have relationships that are drama free. I am in love and so happy, and I seriously owe it to Brittany!

I found my perfect person

Karen M

When my relationship of seven years abruptly and without valid reason fell to the depths of disrepair, I sought out an assist and found Brittany. My partner and I tried to make it work- twice after the major breakup- and realized that life would be walking on eggshells always waiting for the next eruption. Actually, Brittany helped me realize this. I was shattered. But with her guidance, I was able to find myself again. And with her support, I was whole enough to happily be on my own. In no time at all- and when not really looking- my perfect person found me. That would have never happened if I wasn't centered and allowed someone else into my heart and soul. Brittany's approach is calm, logical, strong when needed and soft when warranted. I will continue to recommend her to everyone looking for a little coaching.

“Brittany is good for the soul”!


You know that feeling when you have a close friend that can listen to you and know just the right thing to say to get you through? And after the conversation you feel energized and can see a path for happiness. That’s Brittany! If I could ever recommend doing something for would be to work with Brittany. It’s like having a dear friend, a life coach, and your biggest cheerleader all combined into one. Her thoughtfulness, attention to every detail in your life, inspiring words and healing program truly helped me through a very difficult time. Brittany has shown me how to find happiness, peace, and a path to being the true me! I firmly believe that everyone could use “Brittany” in their lives. Extra I never really saw myself as someone who needed or would search out a “life coach”. But after a traumatic experience I was connected with Brittany and instantly felt a connection with her.


  • Will I be working with someone or just doing an online course??

    These are virtual courses best suited for those who desire to go at their own pace. Nevertheless, there are many opportunities to work in person. Schedule a Free Mini Session, at the bottom of this page, to explore in person options.

  • How do I know which is the right program for me?

    Start first with the 5-day "It's Always Been Me" Course to get a powerful introduction to the work, and afterwards, I highly recommend you book a free mini session so we can discussed what you learned and where to go next.

  • Do you offer single sessions?

    I do not offer single sessions except to my clients who have already gone through the program and want maintenance. It has been my experience, that those who invest in a few sessions at a time, are actually more motivated to reach their goals than those who schedule a session here and there and pay as they go.

  • Do you work with couples or just individuals?

    I work with couples, families, friends, you name it; however, I coach these relationships one-one in order to help them create a more cohesive communication and respectful relationship between parties.

I'd Love To Meet You

let's chat 1-1

This is your opportunity to learn a little more about the process and gain even more supportive coaching for your specific relationship struggles.

Meet Brittany

Your Coach

Owner/Founder Brittany Green

Brittany is a relationship expert who specializes in empowering men and women to break the cycle of toxic and unhealthy relationships. After working with couples and individuals for years in her therapy practice she realized that some people fall into the trap of choosing the same types of partners over and over again because of a series of limiting beliefs and un-healed patterns. This inevitably causes a huge disconnection and a drop in relationship satisfaction. Her programs have been created to uncover these patterns, shift these limiting beliefs, and help her clients get crystal clear about what type of relationship they want as well as what they want from life- without settling for less. She has been featured on several podcast, hosts in-person retreats, shares classes and workshops both live and pre-recorded, and continues to seek out ways to support her community as best and as often as she can! Her clients report that she is authentic, down to earth, and intuitive, but also no BS when it comes to saying how to get from A to B in record time. She wants her clients to have the best results possible, and the most important component of this journey is trust in the coaching client relationship!